I installed module ShareThis from the admin form backdrop cms. And finish with the settings...
Then I check on any pages on the site for example here https://nloinfo.com/posts/luna-2019-god-nlo
If I check the code of the web page I found this lines:
<script src="//platform-api.sharethis.com/js/sharethis.js#property=5d9d93502303400012f93164&product=Inline Share Buttons"></script> <div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons"></div> </div>
But I can not see nothing. Buttins are invisible? Even if I choose ShareThis buttons block in Layouts.
Any help?
Hi All,
Thanks for this post. I'm running ShareThis in production on a few sites without issue.
Do you think you have any ad blockers on the browsers that might be preventing the icons from showing? ShareThis has tracking code which tracks viewers all over the web -- not just the site you have it installed on. Because of this, ad-blocking or privacy protection tools often block the sharing icons.