Hi, we are planning to port Organic Groups module (or some parts of this module) to Backdrop for one of our project in the next 3-6 months. 

If you are interested in participating in this project please email me with your availability and rates irina.zaks@fibonacciwebstudio.com 




Thanks, this is great news! 

Irina, I had worked on this in my spare time without a paying client and haven't been able to get back to it. If you are able to pick up with testing and ideally PRs in the Github queue I'd be happy to have the teamwork!

This is great to know.  We will know in January if this project will go through, I will be back in this issue for testing/PR. 

Thanks for making this work!

This is relevant from @jenlampton regarding the main issue that hung up the port of OG:

There is a work-around that core is using for this (see the user delete action). Essentially the "action" becomes a redirect to a form, passing data via the the SESSION, and then performs the actual action in the submit handler.