Hello, I'm trying to import a csv using the feeds module (1.x-1.1.1.)

Basically, text fields are working, taxonomy term references, no matter what I do, are not.

If I do not check the "auto create" flag, simply nothing get populated (even If I previously fill every possible term in corresponding vocabulary) . 

Checking the "auto create" flag, I get this error on import : 

Missing bundle property on entity of type taxonomy_term.

I even opened my files/config_randomffgdsfsed/active configuration, and made sure that my taxonomy.vocabulary.nameofvocabulary.json files contained a machine name, as that seemed the problem on some drupal forum.

They all did. One thing I noticed, some older vocabulary contained the line:

"module": "taxonomy",  never ones didn't, so I added the line manually in the corresponding json files, but it didn't help.

Also tried to switch from "autocomplete term widget" to "list - select widget" in the content fields option, hoping that it could help, but it didn't

Any suggestion?

Accepted answer

Thank You so much! Simply replacing the feeds folder in modules with the dev release worked perfectly, i could import all my content in no time.  The only thing, now feeds seems disappeared from the update manager.. Maybe I should have uninstalled - deleted the previous version, and installed the dev version using the web interface?


Thank You so much! Simply replacing the feeds folder in modules with the dev release worked perfectly, i could import all my content in no time.  The only thing, now feeds seems disappeared from the update manager.. Maybe I should have uninstalled - deleted the previous version, and installed the dev version using the web interface?

oadaeh's picture

That is probably because you are now using a dev version that does not have all the packaging information required for Backdrop to report on and manage a project.

If you're only going to be using Feeds for a short time to import that one bit of data, then it's probably okay, since you'll probably just be uninstalling it when you're done.

If you plan on keeping Feeds in place for a while, however, then you'll need to manually keep up with any new updates, but as soon as the next tagged version is released (whatever comes after 1.x-1.1.1), you can replace what you have with it in the same way, and you should be back to normal.