Help with getting things done and fixing problems.
Help with getting things done and fixing problems.
Posted 5 days 6 hours ago by (Irina Zaks) in How-To and Troubleshooting
Posted 5 days 17 hours ago by (onyx) in How-To and Troubleshooting
Posted 5 days 20 hours ago by (NormPlum) in How-To and Troubleshooting
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Why not insert the script using a custom block at the very top of the page, <header>? Who said that it won't work correctly if you don't place it in the <head>? Especially...
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You can use for hassle free static experience.
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that was the first thing i tried, but thanks. i cannot see css file changes without clearing the css/js cache. for that reason i have been adding css snippets (<style> tags) into my...
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