Tell us what you think about Backdrop and how we can improve.
Tell us what you think about Backdrop and how we can improve.
Posted 8 hours 46 min ago by (DanM) in How-To and Troubleshooting
Posted 17 hours 18 min ago by (silvykumalasari) in How-To and Troubleshooting
Posted 22 hours 23 min ago by (willowf) in Requests and Feedback
Recent comments
Open source projects die if there is not good and reliable documentation and/or good tutorials that make it so that a person who has used something like WordPress before can install/configure...
What are (should be) the prerequisite skills to install and configure a site with Backdrop CMS?
I may have a simplified view/opinion on the matter, but I believe that people wanting to build and manage their own website will want to do so via a hosted system where they can create...
What are (should be) the prerequisite skills to install and configure a site with Backdrop CMS?
alexjordanpro: what do you mean by "contact support"? There is no official Backdrop support. The forum is where people ask and answer questions. Bugs can also be reported in the issue queue...
[SOLVED] Override print.tpl.php from Printer-friendly pages module