Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

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  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
501 Create option to add a supplemental stylesheet to Basis - to safely make css updates #4512
502 [UX] Add help text and improve the UI to clarify things around layout templates #6314
503 [UX] Rich-text Image/text flow. #987
504 Add options to Block Name in Views #1880
505 Flexible layout templates: Allow selecting an existing layout template, as a starting point #4115
506 Reconfiguring the administrative layout #3072
507 [WP] Add URL Alias as machine name-like field to node titles #3993
508 [UX] Add HTML5 Date Widget Support to Views Exposed Form #5768
509 [UX] Automatically update the "Admin Content" view to include language field and exposed filter when more than one language is enabled for the site. #1625
510 Add permissions to view and use button "Clear log messages" #3056
511 Cannot create menu items linking to existing files #3945
512 Add link to installer on module list for missing modules #5792
513 [UX] Allow the user to change their mind about manually entering a machine name... #1608
514 [UX] Views/Field formatter: Count #2634
515 [UX] Admin Bar: Make "Development" a top-level menu item #3652
516 [UX] Reflect the status of the comment settings in the "Comment fields" and "Comment display" tabs and offer connect-the-dots links to enable them. #1274
517 Replace the draggable.png icon with a modern one, and add up/down-only and left/right-only variants. #5152
518 [UX] Combine Permissions for `Field` and `Field UI` #4710
519 [UX][PS] Replace the current token browser in core with the Fast Token Browser implementation from contrib #6143
520 Allow comments to be attached to any entity type #2048
521 Saving a content type display should not return up to the Manage Displays list #4291
522 [UX] Show result count and result range in search results #3261
523 Add 'Save user(s)' action #5656
524 Provide an option to make language required for nodes (do not allow language = "none"). #673
525 Provide smarter default query string key names for views exposed filters #2893
526 Path filter/tips is not very useful and unlikely to be found #5912
527 [SR] Security hardening: provide a mechanism to expire sessions #5545
528 [UX] combine different kinds of views link fields #3457
529 Put Backdrop JS Object at the bottom of the HTML Document #1051
530 [UX] Some UI improvements to Book module #5331
531 [UX] Language switcher block: allow some basic customization via the block configuration form #4924
532 [DX][BC] Deprecate `module_exists()` and add a `project_exists()` function #2337
533 Consider displaying which modules were enabled/disabled after enabling/disabling on the "List Modules" page #6331
534 [UX] Provide an instant search filter for the permissions page (/admin/config/people/permissions). #980
535 Layouts: Allow tokens to be used in custom page titles. #1860
536 [D8] Introduce a new `file_url_transform_relative()` function #4106
537 Configuration manager to offer choices when config staging folder includes files #6383
538 Optimize core book module via book_cache port #976
539 [UX] Allow the admin bar to be docked in various sides of the screen (feature parity with D8). #1842
540 [DX][D8] CMI: Add config_exclude functionality to core #4079
541 [UX] Installer: request site configuration info (site name, admin account etc.) while the installer is running in parallel #3042
542 Allow deleting uninstalled/unused modules/themes/layouts from the filesystem via the admin UI #3939
543 Preview of menu machine name is inaccurate while adding a menu #5807
544 Allow install profiles to be run after site creation #1591
545 [UX] Rename "taxonomy" to "Categorization" in the user interface #203
546 [UX] Allow limiting allowed text formats per field instance (per content type). #2615
547 [D8] theme_table() should take an optional footer variable and produce tfoot #3627
548 Check if paths already exist when views or layouts are being installed. #1257
549 [UX] Create more intuitive behavior for "Customize" button to manage displays #5129
550 [UX] User "locked" in the authorize.php page #2580
551 [UX][D10] Show bulk operations only when items have been selected, and hide filters when that happens #4701
552 [UX] Idea: replace the various options for registering/canceling user accounts with a set of permissions #6163
553 [UX] Views: Make the "Label for "Any" value" a text field and have it be configurable per view and per exposed filter within each view. #2033
554 [DX] Provide a way to retrieve default/OOTB config values #4262
555 Add node's 'Menu link titles' to views #3248
556 Layout API: Provide contexts to custom blocks #5666
557 [D8] Trim summary on word boundary #599
558 [UX] Modules Manual installation box needs to take modules names in any case #2885
559 Contact module roadmap: 80% usecase of Webforms in core #3808
560 [UX] Improve the default user management view and account edit form with links to manage permissions/roles #5918
561 [UX] Let site builders add a new image style whenever they're selecting a style to use #1438
562 Missing a possibility to get a books mlid value for views #5565
563 [DX] backdrop_process_states: Introduce a new `primary`/`secondary` set of states for submit buttons #3441
564 [UX] Field UI - clean up the field type selection #1041
565 Add a "remove" UI for modules & themes (& layouts?) #5320
566 [D8][UX] Add a "Placeholder" input field to Views Exposed Filters to allow HTML5 Placeholder #4910
567 [UX] Add an admin preview of the type of menu for menu blocks in the "Manage blocks" page. #2325
568 Add a "login pages" visibility condition #4476
569 VBO: Allow bulk enabling/disabling comments on existing content. #2297
570 Allow limiting access to menu items per-role #4465
571 [UX] Provide some help text about temporary files in the "Manage files" form #6388
572 Remove the "Layout" part from the layout names in the layouts list. #945
573 [UX] Layout UI: Template radios: the way we indicate a "selected" template is too subtle (and same as the hover-over indication). #1824
574 [DX][D8] Provide a single command to install & run Backdrop #4040
575 [UX] Provide an option to sort the keys/values of the options select form elements #5823
576 [UX] Detect whether mod_rewrite is enabled (in Apache installs) and throw a warning in the clean URLs page. #1573
577 Convert the taxonomy listing and feed at /taxonomy/term/%term to Views #145
578 [UX] Menu paths: replace the silly <front> placeholder with a dropdown and rename it to "home page" #2588
579 [UX][DX] provide utility functions to retrieve field labels #3620
580 Feature/Package Module Proposal #1238
581 [UX] Make sidebars collapsible in Harris layout #5486
582 [D8] Image styles: add "Convert" effect/action #5107
583 [UX] Streamline the process of disabling and uninstalling modules (a.k.a. "Uninstallation queue"). #2532
584 Add content type name as a part of a new field name suggestion #6172
585 Add layout name in class for custom layout. #2012
586 More replacement tokens for node urls #4239
587 Basis theme killer feature: Automatically generate color scheme from provided brand (logo/colors) #3231
588 Allow Link fields to be restricted to only internal or external URLs #5678
589 Use data-* to check modules dependencies before submit #565
590 [DX] Add a legacy upgrade_mappings database table #2855
591 [UX] add a hook_requirements check for disabled modules, not uninstalled #3778
592 Improve Instant Search Reset on Modules and Permissions Page #5933
593 [UX] Offer option to replace the help text with a help icon that toggles its visibility (on by default on mobile). #1414
594 Why do we need to write the entire config data within update hooks? #3347
595 [D8][UX] Add a toggle in the admin bar for showing/hiding contextual links on mobile #3417
596 Add admin tagging API to entities, menus, etc. #5307
597 Make the 404 / 403 page setting "translatable" #4881
598 Group interdependent checkboxes visually #6013
599 [UX] Add a new pageless node above the "Promoted Content" block on Home page #4849
600 [UX] Breadcrumb should include Primary/Secondary tabs #2260


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