Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

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  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
301 Allow attributes to be passed to backdrop_add_css() and backdrop_add_js() (SRI) #5478
302 [D10] Add the static analyzer tool PHPStan to Backdrop core #5467
303 [WP] Add URL Alias as machine name-like field to node titles #3993
304 Provide chained term tokens for taxonomy_term_reference fields #2949
305 [UX] Allow a field HTML ID to be set as target in theme_token_tree_link() #4316
306 [META][UX] Figure out a better way to be able to insert introductory/summary/footer text in various places. #1673
307 Add and Utilize Label and Description for the Admin Interface and Consolidate Help Text #5079
308 Provide the option for not displaying URL settings #3664
309 [D8][WP] Move to trash instead of deleting. #2498
310 Add 'Save user(s)' action #5656
311 Backdrop release procedure enhancement #1987
312 Path filter/tips is not very useful and unlikely to be found #5912
313 [DX] Offer to backup and delete existing config to proceed with installation #6062
314 [D8] Include Tour module in core #89
315 Bulk operation for scheduling publishing of multiple pieces of content. #3115
316 [DX] Support some basic markdown-flavoured formatting in t() #4535
317 [DX][D9] Add helper functions to inject/move items into a particular position in associative arrays #5247
318 Garbage collection deletes files if they are inserted where filter can't find them. #3826
319 Modify the CKEditor image dialog to use the new wrapper form for "file/add" and "Media Library Selector" mechanisms #2719
320 Views: allow setting the "Items to display" value to "unlimited". #1460
321 Allow themes to be installed, uninstalled, and updated (treat them like modules) #4829
322 [UX] Edit view from Layout blocks page #3501
323 Add option to set a maximum age of log messages #2243
324 [UX] Appearance page: Denote the theme selected as admin theme (same as we do for the default theme). #1105
325 Add link to installer on module list for missing modules #5792
326 [UX] Project Browser: Move the pages where one can **MANAGE** installed modules/themes/layouts as separate primary tabs under a single top-level menu item. #1780
327 [DX][D9] Introduce a new `hook_requirements_alter()` hook, to allow altering entries defined in `hook_requirements()` implementations #6241
328 Translation of taxonomy terms #4720
329 Add fallback to HTTP for update manager #5455
330 Cannot create menu items linking to existing files #3945
331 Add the ability to create a CSS class for image field in Views #2920
332 [UX] Add a "Back" button to the "Add block" dialog. #1644
333 [UX] Admin Bar: Make "Development" a top-level menu item #3652
334 [UX] Consider replacing the block title type drop-down with an always required (and unique) block title field. #2483
335 link fields for in page navigation #go-to-here #1308
336 Layout API: Provide contexts to custom blocks #5666
337 [UX] Add bulk operations (update/delete) in the URL path aliases list. #1979
338 [UX] Improve the "Required by: Field type(s) in use..." info in modules page. #850
339 [UX] Improve the default user management view and account edit form with links to manage permissions/roles #5918
340 [UX] Add responsive option to pager choice for Views and Search #6094
341 Enabling Backdrop-only required modules (e.g., Entity Plus) during upgrade from D7 #5499
342 [UX] Mobile project browser: make it easier to get to the queue #3098
343 [D9] Add menu link support into views #4505
344 Add an "unsorted" indicator to table columns #5221
345 [UX]/[DX] Add a fancy "copy to clipboard" button for views templates #2677
346 [UX] Add the ability to make any standard layout template a flexible one #4114
347 [UX] Display a warning message when editor changes from Full HTML to something else #4807
348 [UX] combine different kinds of views link fields #3457
349 [DX] Switch to a simplified array syntax for database connection information in settings.php #2231
350 [UX] Better alignment for drop buttons. #1090
351 Preview of menu machine name is inaccurate while adding a menu #5807
352 [A11Y] Convert core to use EM's for all @media and font-sizes #1775
353 [WP][UX] Remove "tabs" for menu local tasks, move into contextual links (and/or admin bar) #464
354 [Meta] Available updates report not as complete as Drupal 7 report #6252
355 Administration Bar module should not use popup #6270
356 [DX] Form API: provide a 'type' => 'status_message' element. #3329
357 Is correcting the way form ID's named worth spending time on? #4706
358 Telemetry: Collect the Server Application Programming Interface (SAPI) #5449
359 Views UI: Edit Basic Settings #2906
360 Re-introduce block caching support. #1619
361 Filter module: Add a data-path-id for internal links to make it easier to track and update internal paths #5004
362 [D8] theme_table() should take an optional footer variable and produce tfoot #3627
363 [UX] Layout UI: Per-block "dirty" form messages. #2430
364 [META] [UX] Improve the overall creation and placement of custom blocks experience. #1277
365 Allow Link fields to be restricted to only internal or external URLs #5678
366 Add semantic markup to layouts #1970
367 VBO: option for separate button per action & option to override labels #802
368 Improve Instant Search Reset on Modules and Permissions Page #5933
369 [DX] Allow `theme_get_setting()` to return a default value - like `settings_get()` and `update_variable_get()` do #6107
370 Provide an option to customize text for the "required" indicator and validation error for fields. #5507
371 Allow editing term machine names (a.k.a. Taxonomy Machine Name module in core) #3093
372 [UX] Flexible layout templates: Provide a selectable list of "presets" #4484
373 As view fields, titles for Pageless nodes show links even for those without access. #5214
374 Contact module roadmap: 80% usecase of Webforms in core #3808
375 [UX] Display the "Default" block title on Add/Configure block UI #2665
376 [DX] Introduce a new `user_permission_get_info()` function #4097
377 [UX] Allow the label (perhaps machine name too?) of fields to be edited straight from the "Manage fields" and "Comment fields" tab. #1443
378 [A11Y] Native dark mode support (at least for the Seven admin theme) #4778
379 [DX] backdrop_process_states: Introduce a new `primary`/`secondary` set of states for submit buttons #3441
380 Add a default 'posts' view to core #2152
381 [UX] Include the "+ Add condition" link/button and the "Remove"/"Configure" links in the "Conditions" fieldset of the #1025
382 [UX] Provide an option to sort the keys/values of the options select form elements #5823
383 Add new image style effect: mirror/flip vertically, horizontally and both. #1762
384 [UX] Auto Updates for security/modules #414
385 [UX] Create a consistent and responsive step wizard for update.php and install.php #6290
386 Link to all release notes between installed and recommended versions #3303
387 Allow modules to provide flexible template row styles #5427
388 Admin interface for manual garbage collection #2898
389 Add new Date field widget to utilize HTML5 #date input type #4255
390 Security: Consider adding an option to load public forms through AJAX. #1592
391 [PS] Add `webp` to default extensions on new image fields (if supported) #4998
392 [UX][DX] provide utility functions to retrieve field labels #3620
393 Implement <time> tag for time stamps in core, e.g. date posted, comment date #2416
394 Remove syslog module from core #1260
395 Change message to "Your comment has been updated" on comment update #5701
396 Run tests for releases after project published ZIP file #1964
397 [UX] Move the confirmation dialog for deletion of nodes to a modal. #769
398 Add a form API element for `image` that includes image type and size validators natively. #5946
399 Clean-up of Database after Migration from Drupal 7.x #6109
400 [UX] Add a log-in form to the update.php page, and expose it to anonymous users ONLY when db updates are pending. #3078


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