Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

  • You must be logged in to vote.
  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
401 [DX][BC] Replace module_load_include() with new, more generic function #206
402 Add filtering to the List Views page like the filtering that existed in D7 #5896
403 [UX] Admin bar: allow search results to be selected via keyboard up/down buttons. #1850
404 Add an upgrade path for CKEditor module #3684
405 Introduce some missing permissions that allow global actions on files #6012
406 [DX] Allow Config::get()/config_get() to specify a default - same as update_variable_get() #5453
407 [DX] Add entity_get_bundles() as a convenient method for getting the label of a bundle. #3243
408 "Create new revision by default" doesn't enable revisions #6103
409 'Unused' module detector #5020
410 DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table already exists in DatabaseSchema #2585
411 Bulk delete taxonomy terms #2875
412 Status page: Show information about supported image types by GD #5760
413 [UX] Better alignment for drop buttons. #1090
414 [UX] Consider saving changes to custom block text without requiring a second save. #2038
415 [D8] Introduce a new `file_url_transform_relative()` function #4106
416 [UX] Views: Offer an option for the pager to start counting from 1 instead of 0 #5566
417 [DX] Support #attributes in theme_help() and theme_more_help_link() #6007
418 Dashboard block: Translations #3852
419 [UX] [multilingual] Translated blocks are too hard to use #3514
420 [DX] Allow combining the types of placeholders for the t() function, and introduce a new one for text that should be wrapped in code/pre tag HTML tags #6190
421 Re-introduce block caching support. #1619
422 [D9] Users must verify email when changing user email addresses #5210
423 [D8][A11Y] ALT attributes should be enabled by default on new fields and have an option to set ALT and TITLE attributes as required #3006
424 [UX][D10] Show bulk operations only when items have been selected, and hide filters when that happens #4701
425 [UX] Views UI: in place rearrange of fields, filter and sort criteria. #963
426 Allow site administrators to selectively disable entity caching #5632
427 [META] [UX] Improve the overall creation and placement of custom blocks experience. #1277
428 [UX] Menu link items should be kept in sync with their respective content titles #4759
429 [DX] Allow nested form elements to be attached to radio and checkbox options. #2304
430 [DX] Provide a way to retrieve default/OOTB config values #4262
431 [DX] Form API: provide form element(s) for CSS classes and IDs #5898
432 Update.php should automatically apply any new configuration defaults #1832
433 Add an upgrade path from menu_block to core menu blocks. #3681
434 [D8] Date fields: Support both future/past dates at the same time with the "time ago" formatter #6021
435 Move "Expanded" option for Menu Items to Block settings #5428
436 Allow copying settings from other content types when adding an existing field #3229
437 Introduce new "View own published content" #6397
438 [UX] Allow the label (perhaps machine name too?) of fields to be edited straight from the "Manage fields" and "Comment fields" tab. #1443
439 Link module: validate internal links and ensure protocol-less URLs can pass validation #5000
440 [UX] Running cron.php from browser should return a success message rather than a blank page #2535
441 Add a "login pages" visibility condition #4476
442 [DX] Make File::access consistent with other entity classes. #5480
443 [UX] Pathauto follow-up: implement autocomplete on fields that support tokens (when the user types "[") #2017
444 [DX][D8] CMI: Add config_exclude functionality to core #4079
445 Setting intelligent defaults during content type fields creation #291
446 Allow specifying optional tags for blocks #3837
447 Add a "Make Permanent" action for the manage files listing #3825
448 Front page to be configurable by language #3500
449 Display the field machine_name along with the label on the display mode #6200
450 Security: Consider adding an option to load public forms through AJAX. #1592
451 Create a field_storage_exists() function #5180
452 Add custom block option to follow the translation system easily #2991
453 [UX] Manage display: use the 'dirty' form flag when field settings are changed, in order to indicate that the form needs to be saved. #927
454 Don't show the node_load_multiple() $conditions parameter as deprecated #5644
455 Remove syslog module from core #1260
456 Pre-compress Files With Brotli And Fallback To Gzip #4743
457 authorize.php should be used for all Installer module downloads/installs #2271
458 More replacement tokens for node urls #4239
459 Support additional (popular) properties in the .info files of projects #119
460 [DX] Add normalized project data into the database. #5905
461 [UX] Make all visibility conditions available at all times (and automatically set appropriate paths, contexts and context relationships). #1815
462 [A11Y] Provide a dark (or high-contrast) version of Seven #3990
463 [UX] Add youtube field, or video embed field to core. Integrate with media library. #3661
464 [D10] Views page displays: Provide a new option to use the admin theme #6025
465 [DX] Add settings/page for contextual links settings #5404
466 [WP] Media Library #3203
467 [A11Y] Make collapsible fieldset accessible #6408
468 Allow setting a default value for Alt and Title text in image fields #1439
469 [DX] Support a way to declare conflicts in .info files #4993
470 Evaluate the reasons for removal of the Trigger module from core. #2522
471 [UX] integrate file editing into the file field widget #2810
472 Allow limiting access to menu items per-role #4465
473 [UX] Content view "Operations" drop-down lists available operations in random order. #548
474 Create "Current Node" block #5774
475 [UX] Permissions page: Make permission groups rows collapsible/expandable. #1046
476 Layout UI : Allow adding visibility conditions for Node:NID and Node:Type for paths other than node/% #1997
477 [DX][D8] Provide a single command to install & run Backdrop #4040
478 [META][UX][DX] Overhaul User module permissions and the respective admin UI #3815
479 Allow obsolete config strings to be culled from localization table #3452
480 Don't hard-code the line wrapping in backdrop_mail() and _backdrop_wrap_mail_line() #6237
481 [UX] Branding and Version info on Installation Screens #1584
482 Ability to include module configuration in config recipe #5173
483 [UX] On the Add view page, expand block, and collapse page display #2978
484 [D8] Add Breakpoints in core #4669
485 [UX] Fix caching of favicons #898
486 Make the value of e-mail field visiable on user profile's View page #5663
487 Do not allow modules to be enabled at all if they have conflicting config file names with any existing config. #1242
488 Add option to set a maximum age of log messages #2243
489 Improve 'Last updated' date shown when installing modules. #4224
490 [DX] [BC] Deprecate, reduce use of, or remove DBTNG #61
491 Show notice in the admin UI when .htaccess, robots.txt, or settings.php have been updated in a release, and either link to instructions, or auto-update when safe/possible #5911
492 [UX] Project Browser: Move the pages where one can **MANAGE** installed modules/themes/layouts as separate primary tabs under a single top-level menu item. #1780
493 Dashboard Module: Show link to manage existing nodes of specific content type #3944
494 [DX] [D8] Add a `validate()` method to entity classes #6061
495 Enhanced Float-Value Display Options #5379
496 Support tokens in Views "Global: custom text" field #3189
497 Implement sub-path aliases - a.k.a.: `subpathauto` or `path_alias_xt` in core #1418
498 Link module: Provide an option to allow for a predefined list of static titles #4970
499 [D8][WP] Move to trash instead of deleting. #2498
500 [UX] add "Allow Upscaling" checkbox to crop, and scale and crop effects #2763


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