Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

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  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
201 Provide a views filter handler for project properties #5904
202 [DX] Simplify getting and setting of values without using the 'und' data structure in entities #2240
203 [DX] [CMI] Add a site-wide concept of storage state (like ctools) #1345
204 Allow admin theme CSS for dialogs to be used on front-end #2659
205 [UX] Provide indication in the admin interface, when config values have been overridden in settings.php #4455
206 [UX] Project Browser: Improve the project details modal. #1778
207 Clean-up of Database after Migration from Drupal 7.x #6109
208 [UX] Config import should search recursively for config files to import #661
209 Database log message is truncated at 56 characters and not configurable #5553
210 [D8][DX] Allow themes to declare dependencies on modules and layout templates #5316
211 Convert /admin/content/book to a View #3735
212 Add a localization concept for user-provided strings to core #4894
213 [UX] Add HTML5 Date Widget Support to Views Exposed Form #5768
214 Prevent users from accidentally exposing their email addresses by using it for their username #2486
215 Confirmation dialog for orphaned files #2899
216 Browse Server Button on Link Dialog in Ckeditor so a list of files on the site can be displayed #4688
217 Docblock in page.tpl.php lists incorrect 'available' variables. #1981
218 [UX] Allow selecting a layout for a view page from the view add/edit form. #1130
219 [UX] Layouts: Use icons within drop buttons on small/mobile screens #1974
220 Add an 'URL alias update queue' for entities associated with an updated entity #1124
221 [UX] Rename vocabularies & terms #4222
222 [UX] Allow the admin bar to be shown/hidden via a toggle #970
223 [UX] Provide preview and confirmation of permission changes before saving them #6320
224 Content creation page cleanup #202
225 Allow attributes to be passed to backdrop_add_css() and backdrop_add_js() (SRI) #5478
226 Allow some markup in views descriptions. #3885
227 Allow to trigger the site status alert (red button) remotely #5097
228 [DX][META] Introduce functions similar to views_get_views_as_options() for other things #3545
229 Add 'Save user(s)' action #5656
230 Replace user signatures & pictures with fields #1679
231 [META] Improve the project screenshots functionality in the project browser #3061
232 Path filter/tips is not very useful and unlikely to be found #5912
233 [UX] Swap tab order of "Export" and "Import" config pages #2185
234 Improve the way search (re)indexing works. #1337
235 Allow regions titles #2647
236 [UX] Change the password reset form to use a single password field + show/hide toggle #4440
237 [UX] Better image style previews. #1772
238 Consider adding an easy way to provide click-to-copy functionality in core #6135
239 [D7] Add alt and title fields for the image file type? #4007
240 [UX] differing interface patterns for "add new" and "save order" in different places in core #573
241 [DX] Add a helper function for messaging after saving settings forms #1364
242 View configuration UI: Add indicator denoting rewritten fields #5287
243 Installer should check digital signatures when downloading a package #3714
244 Log warnings when projects are encountered without a 'type' #4866
245 [Multisite] Provide option for installing global or site-specific projects via the UI #3274
246 Add link to installer on module list for missing modules #5792
247 [UX] Side-by-side content translation UI #2438
248 [UX][WP] CKEditor: Add word count #1477
249 Site-wide settings for file garbage collection #2896
250 Extend the 'hidden paths' feature to taxonomy #4653
251 Views: allow setting the "Items to display" value to "unlimited". #1460
252 Refactor the generation of SQL for dates and times into the database driver #2890
253 Use the default date entry format for the default date display format #4646
254 Views: Add <audio> and <video> to the available options in the "Customize field HTML" for file fields. #1966
255 [UX] Appearance page: Denote the theme selected as admin theme (same as we do for the default theme). #1105
256 [DX] Allow enabling/disabling theme debugging via the admin UI #4211
257 [UX] Make node title a proper (sortable too) field. a.k.a. Title module in core. #933
258 Better reporting for CKEditor 4 vs 5 in Telemetry #6342
259 [D10] Add the static analyzer tool PHPStan to Backdrop core #5467
260 [UX] Add visibility conditions for menu location #3867
261 Add and Utilize Label and Description for the Admin Interface and Consolidate Help Text #5079
262 [UX] Use "Configure" icons instead of the full word #3539
263 Layout API: Provide contexts to custom blocks #5666
264 [META][UX] Figure out a better way to be able to insert introductory/summary/footer text in various places. #1673
265 [UX] Views save/cancel buttons are at the top right #3054
266 [UX] Improve the default user management view and account edit form with links to manage permissions/roles #5918
267 [UX] Display php error messages in a dedicated block so we can limit visibility per role. #2139
268 [UX] Add links for quick access to editing things like the layout, theme, etc. of the current page #2626
269 [UX] Add a filter weight reset option so we can Show 'enabled' text filters above 'disabled' ones #4408
270 [DX] Add project's 'install time' to system table #1726
271 Add "All day" functionality for the HTML5 widget #6142
272 Redirects write to json files? #4001
273 Replace user-picture.tpl.php with a theme function #555
274 [DX][D9] Add helper functions to inject/move items into a particular position in associative arrays #5247
275 [UX] Make it easier to create layouts for paths that are already assigned to be aliases for existing content. #3703
276 Allow themes to be installed, uninstalled, and updated (treat them like modules) #4829
277 Ensure Backdrop deletes all files it puts into /tmp #3253
278 Preview of menu machine name is inaccurate while adding a menu #5807
279 Views: Autocomplete exposed filters #2423
280 [DX] Add entity_get_bundles() as a convenient method for getting the label of a bundle. #3243
281 [UX] Provide an option to sort the keys/values of the options select form elements #5823
282 Bulk delete taxonomy terms #2875
283 [UX] Dismissible status report messages. #4617
284 [UX] Better alignment for drop buttons. #1090
285 Allow overriding Seven's header customisations #4205
286 [UX] disable "upload" button on file widget until file has been selected #908
287 Trim textfields? #6386
288 [D8] Ensure that entries are written to watchdog table #63
289 Add fallback to HTTP for update manager #5455
290 Dashboard block: Translations #3852
291 [UX] Add charts to the dashboard #3529
292 Allow Link fields to be restricted to only internal or external URLs #5678
293 [UX] Add a "Back" button to the "Add block" dialog. #1644
294 [D9][UX] Add a user-friendly parent menu browser in the content add/edit form. #3029
295 Improve Instant Search Reset on Modules and Permissions Page #5933
296 Establish a "fonts" directory in a place where it can be shared between core and contrib themes. #2127
297 link fields for in page navigation #go-to-here #1308
298 UX Idea: Allow rewriting the output of fields on display (without having to use views or custom code). #2608
299 [D8][DX] Add element #type table and merge tableselect/tabledrag into it #4388
300 Redis super easy with Redis Enterprise Caching to improve performance Backdrop CMS #6165


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