Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

  • You must be logged in to vote.
  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
801 Replace user signatures & pictures with fields #1679
802 [UX] Add content title match as search relevancy factor #3517
803 Add the ability to create a CSS class for image field in Views #2920
804 Improve the way search (re)indexing works. #1337
805 Make the value of e-mail field visiable on user profile's View page #5663
806 [PS][D9] Dynamic Page Cache add in Backdrop core #5217
807 Show notice in the admin UI when .htaccess, robots.txt, or settings.php have been updated in a release, and either link to instructions, or auto-update when safe/possible #5911
808 [DX] Form API #states: support 'regex' and 'less'/'greater' (than) for value comparison #4781
809 Don't hard-code the line wrapping in backdrop_mail() and _backdrop_wrap_mail_line() #6237
810 [D8][DX] Add element #type table and merge tableselect/tabledrag into it #4388
811 [UX] Add a site-wide "E-mail address(es) to notify" setting #2365
812 [UX] Explore the idea of converting the "Save"/"Cancel" text to links in the messages of "dirty" forms. #789
813 [UX] Hide/Show row weights should not be done globally without warning #750
814 Create a tests case for version upgrade #1874
815 Provide the option for not displaying URL settings #3664
816 Allow editing term machine names (a.k.a. Taxonomy Machine Name module in core) #3093
817 Cached anonymous page and "background fetch" cause site rendering issues on LiteSpeed server #5525
818 Views: allow setting the "Items to display" value to "unlimited". #1460
819 [UX] Display the "Default" block title on Add/Configure block UI #2665
820 [UX] Appearance page: Denote the theme selected as admin theme (same as we do for the default theme). #1105
821 Move "Expanded" option for Menu Items to Block settings #5428
822 Provide views field handler to access project properties from the `info` column in the `system` table #5820
823 Link module: validate internal links and ensure protocol-less URLs can pass validation #5000
824 Add mini pager option to Search module #6083
825 Add 'reverse' option to 'View result counter' #4590
826 [UX] Allow bulk-adding/editing vocabulary terms and menu items. #1006
827 Change the "Invalidate search index" process to a batched "Rebuild search index" #4182
828 Allow comment types independent of content types #2049
829 Garbage collection deletes files if they are inserted where filter can't find them. #3826
830 [DX] Form API: provide a 'type' => 'status_message' element. #3329
831 Remove grippie; use CSS "resize" property #340
832 [META][UX] Figure out a better way to be able to insert introductory/summary/footer text in various places. #1673
833 [UX] Edit view from Layout blocks page #3501
834 Views UI: Edit Basic Settings #2906
835 Move the Color module to a contributed project #5667
836 [D9] Users must verify email when changing user email addresses #5210
837 Seventy two theme #5928
838 [UX] Menu link items should be kept in sync with their respective content titles #4759
839 [UX] Allow reusable blocks to be made non-reusable (by cloning them into a non-reusable instance) #4303
840 Add filtering to path_autocomplete #4381
841 Expose breakpoints as a visibility option for blocks and layouts. #2347
842 [WP] Add URL Alias as machine name-like field to node titles #3993
843 More useful tags for views #6268
844 Views: improve the "last" link of pagers #2332
845 Cannot create menu items linking to existing files #3945
846 [UX] Allow bulk deleting menu links. #732
847 [UX] Admin bar: allow search results to be selected via keyboard up/down buttons. #1850
848 [UX] Admin Bar: Make "Development" a top-level menu item #3652
849 [UX] Add a log-in form to the update.php page, and expose it to anonymous users ONLY when db updates are pending. #3078
850 Automatically create a node/% layout when one is created for node/NID #5539
851 [D8] CKEditor: Allow Image Styles to be used with inline images #2658
852 [UX] Better alignment for drop buttons. #1090
853 Add CSS (JS?) code formatting automation #5568
854 [DX] Add settings/page for contextual links settings #5404
855 [D8][DX] FAPI: Allow easy sorting of the translated options of select elements #5824
856 [DX] Support a way to declare conflicts in .info files #4993
857 [UX][D8] Make position of #description (help text) configurable via the API #1403
858 [UX] Admin bar: Move "Add new X" to the bottom of each fly-out menu #4586
859 DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table already exists in DatabaseSchema #2585
860 [UX] Admin bar search: Make certain search results distinct by prefixing their immediate parent item. #1002
861 [D8] Introduce a new example.settings.local.php file #4173
862 [UX] Consider saving changes to custom block text without requiring a second save. #2038
863 Link to all release notes between installed and recommended versions #3303
864 [UX] Add a "Back" button to the "Add block" dialog. #1644
865 [UX] combine different kinds of views link fields #3457
866 Admin interface for manual garbage collection #2898
867 link fields for in page navigation #go-to-here #1308
868 UX - Ability to tag and filter images in image library #5680
869 Create a field_storage_exists() function #5180
870 [UX] Append `This role receives all new permissions by default.` text to the description of the admin role #5940
871 Pre-compress Files With Brotli And Fallback To Gzip #4743
872 [DX] Use `token_get_all()` for parsing settings*.php files rather than using regex in `backdrop_rewrite_settings()` #6297
873 Allow 'Main Page Content' block to use a specific display mode #4341
874 [DX] Allow nested form elements to be attached to radio and checkbox options. #2304
875 [UX] Open the field widget link in a modal #691
876 Update.php should automatically apply any new configuration defaults #1832
877 [D8] theme_table() should take an optional footer variable and produce tfoot #3627
878 Provide an actual maintenance mode #3060
879 [SR] Security hardening: provide a mechanism to expire sessions #5545
880 [UX] Allow the label (perhaps machine name too?) of fields to be edited straight from the "Manage fields" and "Comment fields" tab. #1443
881 [UX] Introduce button group UI component #2643
882 Add ability to skip running tests on PR #5575
883 Enhanced Float-Value Display Options #5379
884 [DX] Form API: Allow individual options in select elements to be set to disabled #5837
885 Link module: Provide an option to allow for a predefined list of static titles #4970
886 Make Backdrop misconfiguration messages friendlier #6110
887 [UX] Image Library view: Dynamic number of items per page #4560
888 [UX] Running cron.php from browser should return a success message rather than a blank page #2535
889 [UX] [WYSIWYG] Consider adding a side-by-side live preview for the editor. #985
890 Mobile first approach theme #4131
891 [UX] Pathauto follow-up: implement autocomplete on fields that support tokens (when the user types "[") #2017
892 Contact module roadmap: 80% usecase of Webforms in core #3808
893 [UX] More info on field removal #3262
894 Re-introduce block caching support. #1619
895 [DX] backdrop_process_states: Introduce a new `primary`/`secondary` set of states for submit buttons #3441
896 [META] [UX] Improve the overall creation and placement of custom blocks experience. #1277
897 Add per-bundle token info to hook_token_info() #5707
898 Ability to include module configuration in config recipe even if config already exists #5173
899 [UX] Inject "mini modules forms" in various places where it makes sense #5949
900 [UX][DX][A11Y] Start using inputmode for fields and form elements as appropriate #5964


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