Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

  • You must be logged in to vote.
  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
101 Store entity bundle in comment table #2046
102 [UX] [DX] Move the user page to a separate module #109
103 Allow deleting uninstalled/unused modules/themes/layouts from the filesystem via the admin UI #3939
104 [UX] Allow a field HTML ID to be set as target in theme_token_tree_link() #4316
105 Group interdependent checkboxes visually #6013
106 [D8] theme_table() should take an optional footer variable and produce tfoot #3627
107 [D10][PS] CSS and JavaScript aggregation performance improvements #5718
108 [UX] Reduce the size of the potentially unwieldy parent link selector on content type and content edit pages #6392
109 [UX][DX][A11Y] Start using inputmode for fields and form elements as appropriate #5964
110 [DX][UX] Form API: Make it so that required fields that are hidden via #states are only validated when visible. #2732
111 [Multisite] Provide option for installing global or site-specific projects via the UI #3274
112 [UX] Flexible templates: Replace the single "Add row" button with multiple ones #5166
113 Site-wide settings for file garbage collection #2896
114 [UX] Allow the user to change their mind about manually entering a machine name... #1608
115 [UX] Reflect the status of the comment settings in the "Comment fields" and "Comment display" tabs and offer connect-the-dots links to enable them. #1274
116 Make problems with layout blocks more discoverable. #2320
117 [D9] Add menu link support into views #4505
118 [D8][UX] Merge Special Menu Items module functionality in core (allow <nolink> and <separator> menu items). #1840
119 [UX] add a hook_requirements check for disabled modules, not uninstalled #3778
120 Simplify Layout configuration #5592
121 [UX] Add the ability to make any standard layout template a flexible one #4114
122 Config override in settings.php file doesn't work for permissions #6193
123 [D8][UX] Add a toggle in the admin bar for showing/hiding contextual links on mobile #3417
124 [UX] Consolidate database-related information in the status report page, and add some basic db usage metrics #5864
125 Add more properties to module and theme info files... Initial Release date, Current Release Date, Categories, D7 base module or theme if any #5367
126 [META] Improve the project screenshots functionality in the project browser #3061
127 [D7] Tokens missing from Backdrop core. This issue was considered major in D7. #4952
128 Allow regions titles #2647
129 Use config for color module palettes #2554
130 uuid and entity import / export #890
131 Translation of taxonomy terms #4720
132 Put Backdrop JS Object at the bottom of the HTML Document #1051
133 [DX] Make certain field values and entity properties available during save. #2032
134 Replace content translation with entity translation (and add an upgrade path) #52
135 [UX] Search settings: Convert the "Search items" section to a table. #3385
136 [UX][DX] provide utility functions to retrieve field labels #3620
137 Ability to add custom file fields to Node Edit Form #5738
138 [DX] Backward compatibility in theme_item_list() #6398
139 Allow altering image style urls #5745
140 Add a comma-separated/list field formatter for multi-value fields. #316
141 [UX] Contact module: Rename "categories" to "recipient groups" in the admin UI - allow customizing the label of the field in the public-facing form #5992
142 Ensure Backdrop deletes all files it puts into /tmp #3253
143 [A11Y] UX Fields to add html tag Attributes for fields, menu links and blocks #5158
144 Refactor the generation of SQL for dates and times into the database driver #2890
145 Allow install profiles to be run after site creation #1591
146 Check if paths already exist when views or layouts are being installed. #1257
147 [UX] Flexible layout templates: Provide a selectable list of "presets" #4484
148 [UX] Layouts: Visibility conditions (and contexts): Entity ID text fields with autocomplete fields (or entity browser?). #1822
149 [META][D8][UX] Convert all confirmation pages to confirmation dialogs instead. #3769
150 Add new PR template, with reminder to reference an issue #5605
151 [DX] Introduce a new `user_permission_get_info()` function #4097
152 Enhance Available Updates Report to show date of release and date of latest commit #6207
153 [UX] Allow switching the menu being used for a menu block. #3410
154 Bring back the initial functionality of _field_write_instance function #5875
155 Expand the "Global settings" fieldset when creating new fields #5345
156 [UX] Views save/cancel buttons are at the top right #3054
157 Allow to filter interface translation for "context" with "contains" (LIKE) #4940
158 [UX] Add links for quick access to editing things like the layout, theme, etc. of the current page #2626
159 [UX] Let site builders add a new image style whenever they're selecting a style to use #1438
160 [UX] Maintenance mode: Do not render the "Create new account" tab, the navigation menu and the account menu when in the "Log in" or "Reset password" pages. #2529
161 Is correcting the way form ID's named worth spending time on? #4706
162 [UX] Field UI - clean up the field type selection #1041
163 [UX] CKEditor/Rich text editor image sizing needs to be optional. #2010
164 Replace taxonomy_index with taxonomy_entity_index #103
165 [DX] Provide an easy way to add classes to the wrapper tags of form elements #3917
166 Incorporate Layouts UI to "manage displays" for entities #6039
167 Offer to remove module dependencies that are no longer needed #3582
168 Add allowed_values_function to list field UI #3565
169 [DX] Introduce a server-side conditional system (to possibly replace `#states`) #5750
170 Add 'Field HTML Trim' to core #6001
171 [DX] Add entity_get_bundles() as a convenient method for getting the label of a bundle. #3243
172 [UX][DX] When a module is enabled, automatically set a message containing the link to configure #5135
173 Bulk delete taxonomy terms #2875
174 [UX] Detect whether mod_rewrite is enabled (in Apache installs) and throw a warning in the clean URLs page. #1573
175 Feature/Package Module Proposal #1238
176 [UX] Decide when to add 'block' to the end of block admin titles, and do so consistently. #2255
177 [WP][UX] Remove "tabs" for menu local tasks, move into contextual links (and/or admin bar) #464
178 [UX] Project installer: Provide link to update report from installer update tab #4471
179 Add an option (checkbox) in the layout settings for "Page title type" that enables/disables appending the " | [site-name]" part to the page <title>. #1790
180 Split 'Administer site configuration' into more specific permissions #3761
181 [A11Y] Add `role="main"` attribute to primary content region in each Layout template #5610
182 [DX][D9] Introduce a new `hook_requirements_alter()` hook, to allow altering entries defined in `hook_requirements()` implementations #6241
183 [D8] Views Content Cache #3399
184 [UX] Admin Bar: Add a single, centralized point of entry for adding content, files, user accounts etc. #5884
185 Dashboard: Add a Configuration Manager widget #5322
186 [D9][UX] Add a user-friendly parent menu browser in the content add/edit form. #3029
187 Extend the "Hide path display" feature ("page-less nodes") to other core entities #4912
188 UX Idea: Allow rewriting the output of fields on display (without having to use views or custom code). #2608
189 [UX] Offer option to replace the help text with a help icon that toggles its visibility (on by default on mobile). #1414
190 [UX] Clarify Field Type choices on Field Settings page #2508
191 [UX] Improve the "Required by: Field type(s) in use..." info in modules page. #850
192 Create redirects for bulk alias delete #1993
193 [UX] Layout deletion confirmation form: add more explanation and options #5511
194 Add display of file details to the 'manage file' form. #3904
195 Add new Date field widget to utilize HTML5 #date input type #4255
196 [DX] Offer to backup and delete existing config to proceed with installation #6062
197 [UX] CKEditor - Provide default styles #4233
198 [UX] Add responsive option to pager choice for Views and Search #6094
199 [DX] CMI: see if we can make those "storage" numbers in .json files less cryptic. #3562
200 [UX][DX] Status report page: Provide filters/categories that apply to various personas #5758


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