Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

  • You must be logged in to vote.
  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
101 CKEditor: Add filter to allow empty HTML tags #3269
102 [UX][D8] Allow 'Content: Link' views field to just output URL #3419
103 [UX] Display php error messages in a dedicated block so we can limit visibility per role. #2139
104 Layout: path condition with a subdomain #1049
105 [UX] Terminology for configuring a block seems odd #1016
106 Provide a form-item-inline class to help admin forms #5829
107 [DX] Add project's 'install time' to system table #1726
108 Make pager more efficient by not generating (and running) a countQuery #404
109 [DX] Provide a utility for retrieving a single project's info (and settings?) #332
110 [UX] Add help text and improve the UI to clarify things around layout templates #6314
111 [Multisite] Provide option for installing global or site-specific projects via the UI #3274
112 [DX] Add settings/page for contextual links settings #5404
113 Allow user to set custom background color on core hero block #3918
114 Site-wide settings for file garbage collection #2896
115 More replacement tokens for node urls #4239
116 [DX] Make views query output easier to read with indentation & line breaks #1590
117 [DX] Support a way to declare conflicts in .info files #4993
118 [DX] hook_field_*_settings_form() should have $form and $form_state parameters #3590
119 [UX] Change user/login to /login and /user/logout to /logout #1248
120 Support the call of Ukraininan government and change “Russia” to “Russia is a terrorist state” #5712
121 [UX] Make field settings visually clearer, no indication that you’re a layer deeper. #744
122 Entity reference 7.x-1.6 #5952
123 Add permissions for viewing blocked user account profiles (and/or their content) #6123
124 Text area with Plain text processing doesn't display line breaks #5515
125 [META] Improve the project screenshots functionality in the project browser #3061
126 Allow limiting access to menu items per-role #4465
127 Create a field_storage_exists() function #5180
128 [UX] Move the confirmation dialog for enabling/uninstalling modules to a modal. #3770
129 Allow regions titles #2647
130 [DX][D8] Provide a single command to install & run Backdrop #4040
131 Cache settings via admin section #1434
132 Pre-compress Files With Brotli And Fallback To Gzip #4743
133 Get Designer Input on BackdropCMS 'Out of the Box' appearance #5581
134 Add option to Views for hiding empty blocks #3411
135 Establish a "fonts" directory in a place where it can be shared between core and contrib themes. #2127
136 [D8][UX] Add inline form errors #1040
137 [UX] "Cancel" links and "Save and add another" buttons when adding vocabulary terms, menu items, and user accounts #1004
138 [DX] Form API: Do not require #default_value for checkboxes to be provided as an array #5836
139 Don't count markup characters as part of the text length #309
140 Consider displaying which modules were enabled/disabled after enabling/disabling on the "List Modules" page #6331
141 Ensure Backdrop deletes all files it puts into /tmp #3253
142 [D8] Add Breakpoints in core #4669
143 Enhanced Float-Value Display Options #5379
144 [UX] Display a reminder to uninstall modules after disabling them #3911
145 Refactor the generation of SQL for dates and times into the database driver #2890
146 Improve 'Last updated' date shown when installing modules. #4224
147 [UX] Have a "Contact" menu item be enabled and added to the primary navigation by default when enabling contact.module. #1572
148 Link module: Provide an option to allow for a predefined list of static titles #4970
149 Contact form message templates edited via the UI #3568
150 [DX] Add a `project_get_info` helper function. #2385
151 [DX] Add Flush all caches > Views to admin bar #5737
152 Add indicator for menu-level visibility conditions #1929
153 Consider using a flat-file cache for the page cache #716
154 Suggestion: Post-upgrade Summary After Drupal 7 Migration #5606
155 [UX][PS] Replace the current token browser in core with the Fast Token Browser implementation from contrib #6143
156 Add check that active configuration directory is writable to system_requirements #5538
157 [UX] Views save/cancel buttons are at the top right #3054
158 Ability to include module configuration in config recipe even if config already exists #5173
159 [UX] Add links for quick access to editing things like the layout, theme, etc. of the current page #2626
160 Allow fully deleting text formats #4013
161 Add a simple way in core to define private and public access for nodes/entities. #1407
162 [UX] Add a "Place in a layout" action for menus in the menu listing page. #3406
163 Layouts: Provide a way to define conditions based on field values. #2103
164 [UX] Rich-text Image/text flow. #987
165 Provide a "System metrics" entry in the status page, to show disk space, RAM usage, and database size #5858
166 [UX] Provide an instant search filter for the permissions page (/admin/config/people/permissions). #980
167 [UX] Consolidate PHP-related information in the status report page, and add some basic PHP memory usage metrics #5863
168 [UX][D8] Convert user pictures to an actual Image Field #243
169 Configuration manager to offer choices when config staging folder includes files #6383
170 [DX] Add entity_get_bundles() as a convenient method for getting the label of a bundle. #3243
171 [D9] Date: allow setting MIN and MAX dates, only past dates, or only future dates, or both #4648
172 Add more properties to project .info files... Initial Release date, Current Release Date, Categories, D7 base module or theme if any #5367
173 [UX] Rich Text editor inserting/updating images before a file is uploaded #3900
174 Bulk delete taxonomy terms #2875
175 [D8] Keep a snapshot of configuration directory in database #4212
176 Prepend the content type name in the "Permissions" vtab permission names when creating a content type. #1539
177 [D7] Tokens missing from Backdrop core. This issue was considered major in D7. #4952
178 [META] Use UUIDs in more places #3563
179 [UX] Add a site-wide "E-mail address(es) to notify" setting #2365
180 [DX] Add the ability to deprecate the name (and value?) of config entries #5741
181 [UX] CKEditor: autocorrection. #1902
182 Provide an option to make language required for nodes (do not allow language = "none"). #673
183 [A11Y] tablist needs tab roles for children elements #5982
184 [UX] Idea: replace the various options for registering/canceling user accounts with a set of permissions #6163
185 Database log message is truncated at 56 characters and not configurable #5553
186 [D9][UX] Add a user-friendly parent menu browser in the content add/edit form. #3029
187 [WP][UX] Use admin-theme for Log In form #4410
188 [UX] Flexible templates: Replace the single "Add row" button with multiple ones #5166
189 UX Idea: Allow rewriting the output of fields on display (without having to use views or custom code). #2608
190 [UX] Move non-displayed pseudo fields to vertical tab or group on "Manage fields" page #4002
191 [D8] Port and merge Local Image Input Filter in core #1384
192 Create option for a cropped image style to provide consistent image size for Cards view #5593
193 [UX] CKEditor: Include the Balloon Toolbar plugin introduced in 4.8, and start using it. #3356
194 [DX] bring back db_fetch_array() and db_fetch_object() #2081
195 Create a new cropped image style specifically for cards #5607
196 Allow comment types independent of content types #2049
197 Optimize core book module via book_cache port #976
198 [D10] Invoke hook after a site install is complete #5876
199 Content creation page cleanup #202
200 [UX] Provide some help text about temporary files in the "Manage files" form #6388


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