Help prioritize core features! Votes cast here will help core developers understand what features the community would find most valuable. 

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  • Please vote for no more than 10 new features.
  • You can change your vote as often as you like.
  • A list of your current votes can be found on your user profile page.

These are features that you would most like to see included in future releases of Backdrop CMS.  All the issues you see here are issues tagged with the label "type - feature request" from the Backdrop CMS core issue queue. 

# GitHub Issue title Issue # Vote for this feature # of votes
501 [UX] Redirect from system path to alias (GlobalRedirect in core) #2871
502 Don't hard-code the line wrapping in backdrop_mail() and _backdrop_wrap_mail_line() #6237
503 Allow selecting an existing date format for log messages #4621
504 [META] Use UUIDs in more places #3563
505 [DX] Add the ability to deprecate the name (and value?) of config entries #5741
506 Can we add a class to the admin tabs? #4207
507 Implement createAccess for File entities #5479
508 Provide an option to make language required for nodes (do not allow language = "none"). #673
509 [A11Y] tablist needs tab roles for children elements #5982
510 [UX] Automatically clear caches after manual upgrades #5101
511 Database log message is truncated at 56 characters and not configurable #5553
512 Block configuration settings: Support adding IDs. #2145
513 Put Backdrop JS Object at the bottom of the HTML Document #1051
514 [D9][UX] Add a user-friendly parent menu browser in the content add/edit form. #3029
515 Custom/managed publishing options. #1742
516 [DX] [D8] Add a `validate()` method to entity classes #6061
517 Add mini pager option to Search module #6083
518 [DX] Add a hook_library_alter() to remove unwanted things more easily #3718
519 [UX] User "locked" in the authorize.php page #2580
520 Create a new cropped image style specifically for cards #5607
521 [UX] Provide options-element-like UI for the "Style List" text area for text formats #4385
522 Optimize core book module via book_cache port #976
523 [D10] Invoke hook after a site install is complete #5876
524 [A11Y] Change color of the Views hidden fields for the Seven theme #5261
525 Allow install profiles to be run after site creation #1591
526 Content creation page cleanup #202
527 Implement <time> tag for time stamps in core, e.g. date posted, comment date #2416
528 Check if paths already exist when views or layouts are being installed. #1257
529 Allow copying settings from other content types when adding an existing field #3229
530 [UX] Automatically sanitize the value of URL alias fields (remove preceding/trailing slashes and make sure the path is not absolute). #1957
531 Build a flexible "JSON consumer" block for Dashboard #3891
532 [UX] Fix hook_update_dependencies() so it won't skip necessary updates #2852
533 [UX] Allow reusable blocks to be made non-reusable (by cloning them into a non-reusable instance) #4303
534 Add option to to allow skipping troublesome tests. #4607
535 Add pagers to watchdog entries #3546
536 [D9] Allow adding descriptions to user roles (and show them in the roles listing page) #5748
537 [DX] Introduce a `config_delete()` function, and improve/fix documentation around config deletion. #4186
538 Provide way for `entity_access()` to check for operations view, update and delete if no entity is provided #5474
539 [D8] Trim summary on word boundary #599
540 Add context handling to Views blocks #5995
541 [WP] Allow (optionally?) a limited set of HTML markup in node titles. #5081
542 [UX] Let site builders add a new image style whenever they're selecting a style to use #1438
543 [DX] Add a helper function for messaging after saving settings forms #1364
544 Update 'Syndicate' block allow selection of available feeds #2136
545 [UX] Field UI - clean up the field type selection #1041
546 [D8][A11Y] ALT attributes should be enabled by default on new fields and have an option to set ALT and TITLE attributes as required #3006
547 [UX] do not lock the admin bar when a modal is active. #1721
548 Add custom block option to follow the translation system easily #2991
549 [UX][D8] Make position of #description (help text) configurable via the API #1403
550 [UX] Hide redundant items in Node Edit form. #3705
551 Allow taxonomy term for layout block visibility #5612
552 Easier/better way to revert Views' settings #4368
553 Remove the "Layout" part from the layout names in the layouts list. #945
554 [UX] When a new content type is created, automatically assign permissions to the "Editor" role #5885
555 Telemetry: Collect Internet Status At Time Of Install #5222
556 [UX] Detect whether mod_rewrite is enabled (in Apache installs) and throw a warning in the clean URLs page. #1573
557 Get rid of all Backdrop markers in HTML page source #4817
558 [DX] Config uses the term 'clear', change it to 'remove' or something more intuitive #2387
559 Feature/Package Module Proposal #1238
560 [WP] Media Library #3203
561 [UX] Layouts UI: Reusable visibility condition templates. #1942
562 Add plugins to ckeditor available in D7 contrib module via CDN, but not in Backdrop core. #3875
563 [A11Y] Switch Admin Bar to using Smart Menus #2809
564 More useful tags for views #6268
565 [SEO][WP] Text formats: Introduce new filter to enable native browser-level loading=lazy attribute for images added to text areas. #4587
566 [UX] Machine names: replace/ignore invalid characters as they are being typed. #3541
567 [DX] Disabling a field should not update the weights of all fields #5755
568 [UX] Add path settings to file pages #4176
569 [UX] Allow non-technical people to grab a text export of key information about their site - for troubleshooting requests #5461
570 Use data-* to check modules dependencies before submit #565
571 Add a wrapper to make tables "responsive" #6008
572 [D9] Add 'published' timestamp to nodes #5062
573 [UX] Offer option to replace the help text with a help icon that toggles its visibility (on by default on mobile). #1414
574 [BC] Decide on best way to make improvements to the CSS for core without breaking existing sites #4167
575 Optimize `views_handler_field_field()` to only load full entities if needed #2104
576 [UX] Include the "+ Add condition" link/button and the "Remove"/"Configure" links in the "Conditions" fieldset of the #1025
577 [META] [UX] Add more Display Suite features #2084
578 [UX] On the Add view page, expand block, and collapse page display #2978
579 Make Backdrop misconfiguration messages friendlier #6110
580 Add an upgrade path from Admin Menu to Admin bar #3687
581 Separate the Term Reference field from Taxonomy module #5633
582 Upgrade UI module (similar to Migrate UI in D8) to help with moving from D7 #4345
583 Add warnings in site status page (end elsewhere?) to remove contrib module folders if added to core. #915
584 [DX] Form API: Allow specifying alternative configuration settings for elements using `system_settings_form()`, without having to use custom submit handler #4102
585 [PS][D9] Dynamic Page Cache add in Backdrop core #5217
586 Add a "Site Category" field to site info #1543
587 [D8] Ensure that entries are written to watchdog table #63
588 [DX] Form API #states: support 'regex' and 'less'/'greater' (than) for value comparison #4781
589 Options to change parent link behaviour in responsive dropdown menus #2370
590 [UX] Rename name "Filtered HTML" input format to "Basic" #1188
591 Support tokens in Views "Global: custom text" field #3189
592 Allow form elements for updates in update.php #1912
593 Admin UI: denote settings that may be overridden in settings.php #3856
594 [DX] Use `token_get_all()` for parsing settings*.php files rather than using regex in `backdrop_rewrite_settings()` #6297
595 [META][UX] Better "Recent content" block #4576
596 Ship core with a layout that uses node/% as context #3530
597 Status page: Provide information about the security coverage of the currently-installed minor version #5759
598 Showcase core features during install #4138
599 [DX] Allow Config::get()/config_get() to specify a default - same as update_variable_get() #5453
600 [UX] Make it easy to find newly-added modules on the modules page #532


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